(from a dorm room in Missouri)What I learned about the internet's favorite bands:
Somebody needs to hook this guy up with some of that famed barbecue.

(Deerhunter, via Pitchfork)
I'm apparently in this band.

(Menomena, via Pitchfork)
Yes, these girls are very cute, but they still need to work on that choreography.

(the Pipettes, via The Fader)
This man is terrifying.

(Tim Harrington, Les Savy Fav, via Pitchfork)
This woman cut her show off, and it looked boring as all fuck.

(Marissa Nadler (?), via, you guessed it, Pitchfork)
This woman was right, she doesn't need rehab, but may I suggest plastic surgery?

(Amy Winehouse, via Stereogum)
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