Take That and Rewind It Back

Not sure if it's due to a consistently disappointing 2007 (with the exception of this and uh, this...), but I've been completely mesmerized and entranced recently by albums I previously had absolutely no feelings for. They are:
Spoon: Gimme Fiction
Up until about a week ago, if this band unexpectedly broke up, I would've slept and probably rolled my eyes through all the eulogies, even the drippingly morose Status Ain't Hood best band in music/ I loved this band in high school obit. I mean, who really needs power pop in their life? The answer, apparently, is me. The thing about this that really grabbed me— besides the utter hookiness— is how well produced and nuanced it is. It toes that incredibly fine line of being dense without overly stuffy, and for a power pop record it's really unpredictable, like everytime there should be some cheesy guitar solo they just drop in some distorted squall ("The Beast and Dragon, Adored") or pseduo-ambient samples ("Sister Jack"). If I had ever given this the time of day two years ago, I think I'd care immensely about this band, even though they strike me as stunningly cold.
Dizzee Rascal: Boy In Da Corner
Whenever I can't sleep I usually end up re-reading end of year wrap ups and I think "I Luv U" was in the Top 10 in Stylus' list of Top 50 Singles of 2000-2004 and I was trying to think back to like the 2 times I listened to this album to remember what "I Luv U" sounded like, and I had absolutely no recollection. So I listened to the song and I didn't fall completely in love with it, but it was alluring enough that I was compelled to let the album play through. Where it sounded jagged and blunted to me the first few times, the mix of Dizzee's no-flow and the constant pulsating stabs of whatever Playstation/grime this shit is called kind of has me in awe. It always sounded unapologetically dirty and "grimey," but I never realized how many interesting sounds there were on this album, the least of which is Dizzee's voice. I'm sure this made for a lot of sickening M.I.A.-esque romanticizing of a foreign kid where people used Dizzee's real name in write-ups and whatever so I'm happy I wasn't aware of the internet in 2003 when this came out, and so I'm happy that I stumbled upon it instead of being beaten over the head with it.
The Dismemberment Plan: The Dismemberment Plan is Terrified
Instead of just not caring about this, I was really unaware of its existence up until a few months ago when I started reading more about the D-Plan. I like Emergency & I a lot, but I was never compelled to get a hold of Terrified, but I became friends with this kid a bit older than me that's really into D-Plan, so I got it from him and it's raw and awesome and hilarious and magical and all that teary-eyed adjective shit. I wish I was like 6 years older so I could've been an unrelenting obsessive disciple of this band.
Labels: 2007, d-plan, dizzee rascal, spoon
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