Where My Macaroni?

Weezy F. was starting to scare me; his best rapper alive boasts were becoming increasingly harder to defend when it was all but pudding this summer. It seems like he's been getting bored with himself, so like he decided to get on forgotten 106 & Park stars' singles (hello Mya) or that he wanted to start rapping like Elephant Man. Not to mention, he was striking out like P. Diddy (get familiar) on said major singles ("Give good brain like you graduated from a good school"= low point of my '06) insomuch that it I was for a second scared that he was not just Fat Joe's bff, but that he was actually turning into him.
And then this arrived rather inconspicuously on the once dominant XXL Bangers section, with Weeze rapping over T.I.'s rather meh "Top Back." And naturally, dude is in top form, the form that made rather prominent bloggers bonkers over an internet only mixtape on which said dude had like 8 songs. Here he is again sounding like he hasn't eaten in nine days, like he is the hungriest of the hungry, like he would bite your face if you stepped to close, pushing and pulling and stretching his voice and vowels like someone who aimlessly fiddles with gum. He patently slams the breaks on his flow mid-verse not as a gimmick, but because he literally can't control his own self, because he has yet to calculate his actions, because he is the most reckless of all rappers. And he's even sounding increasingly more insane by the leak, so here he is moving through his various personalities (Jovial Wayne, Agressive Wayne, Snarling Wayne, Manical Wayne) with a shout out to the long lost Fresh Fresh F-ere Fresh, ramblings about T.I. (...?) and a hyena laugh in a matter of like two and a half minutes.
All of that is fine and dandy (it is), but his punchlines are my heroin and I've been shaking and sweating for a few months. So when he dropped the equivalent of an ounce of smack, "A pint of DJ Screw and that Hawaiian/ I am... leaning like a three-legged lion," I couldn't help but grin the toothiest of grins to no one in particular, in my mind saying to the walls of my dorm room, "Don't fear, peasants, for the king has returned."
Labels: internet rap, lil wayne, rappers who aren't fat joe
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