999 Times That Same Note

Download: LCD Soundsystem: All My Friends
I think the greatest testament to this song is that nothing I've read about it has been able to approximate what it feels like to listen to this song or what you feel like after you listen to this song. Like, every Panda Bear review I've read has been able to rather accurately describe what it's like to listen to the record in the way that internet rock crits do, i.e. "like filtering sun through your eyelids" or "like being suspended in water" or "groggy on a beach," etc. and all of those sound like reasonable approximations of what that album sounds like in terms of a nice Metacritic blurb.
What's more, a lot of people aren't even attempting to tackle this song in Sound of Silver reviews, I'm guessing because the idea of writing about this song is so absurd (the best piece on the track I've read is this), not in the "it's so good that words won't do it justice" kind of way (but almost), but because it's impossible to try and describe this song without making it sound like the worst thing ever.
At it's core it's just that piano loop and a simple drum beat maybe some guitars, synths or whatever, but "this song is eight minutes of two piano notes" isn't really an appetizing description. The lyrics are great but they aren't as important to the song as the delivery of them, and the best word to describe that is maybe "yearning" or "aching" or something better than those but nothing really quite accurate.
Moral: Leave it to James Murphy to turn his absolute worst idea into his absolute best song.
Labels: internet, lcd soundsystem
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